Calais Accounting

About us

Calais Accounting is the result of 23 years helping people and businesses solve and organise their accountancy needs. 

What you’ll find at Calais is a highly skilled and passionate team formed by kind professionals that are ready to listen to you and provide you with the best services, turning any concerns into simple solutions. We strive to serve you at our best by tailoring our accounting and financial systems to each client’s unique character and requirements.

The same subject can be explained or worked out in different forms to different clients. We understand and respect your needs because, above all, we are here to help.

Recognising that different clients may require varying explanations or approaches, we prioritise understanding and respecting your needs. Because above all, we are here to help and we’re eager to simplify your life.

We’re looking forward to making your life easier.

Accounting, consulting and tax services for individuals and businesses


Museum Towers Level 7 Unit 125 267-277 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
+61 475 412 244 | 02 8018 8677